
Water Angel Marine has years of experience working closely with its team, domestic and foreign technical partners that have provided generalized standard specification for its operations. With the understanding that no two projects have identical needs, we use flexible approaches to apply these standardized specifications which have guided us through the years of our existence. W.A.M has been operating in the in-water regions of Beniside, Otumare, Forcados, Escravos and Peretorugbene in Delta and Bayelsa states for a leading I.O.C since 2002 till date where she render row surveillance services, swamp patrol boat service, beach masters services and Landing craft logistic services.

Below is a list of some of our operations and services.

        Marine logistic Service Consultation

        Rent, lease, procurement of Marine vessels (offshore/onshore) and construction equipment

         Pipeline surveillance and security services

         Onshore and Offshore personnel transportation services

         Water front tourism consultation

         Fabrication services

         Vessel tracking and security gadget services

        Catering and Food Supply Services

       Civil and Building Engineering Services

       Supplies and general contracting