It is the policy of WATER ANGEL MARINE NIGERIA LIMITED to carry out its activities in such a way that the environment, health and safety of its employees and other persons who may be affected are safeguarded.
To this end, we state that we shall be committed to:
Complying with client’s HSE rules and regulations.
shall observe all directives, safety regulations, guidelines, the mineral Oils Safety Regulations, the Factories Act and other safety Laws in existence or applicable in Nigeria.
To prevent accidents and cases of work related ill-health
Ensure the environment is protected
To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals
Ensuring that our company and other third parties are fully involved in CASHES matters at all times;
To ensure all employees are competent to do their task and provide training where necessary
Re-affirm safe working practices;
Detail the responsibilities of every employee for Community Affairs, Safety, Health, Environment and Security.
In line with Water Angel Marine (Nig.) Limited Safety target to achieve zero L.T.I and / or minimum injury to personnel, ensuring their general security while executing this project, the following guidelines must be adhered to:
Safety induction of all newly recruited staff immediately after engaged
Regular safety meeting and briefings
Emergency drills
Organize appropriate training for workers
Carry out regular site inspection and safety audits
Investigate and follow up all accidents and near misses
Follow up equipment preventive maintenance schedule
Follow up Water Angel Marine (Nig.) Limited and client’s rules and regulations
The maintenance of a high degree of personal health standards, both on and off the job, must be taken into account for each project. The areas to be addressed include:
Provision of a good retainership clinic( DAY SPRING ) for promotion and maintenance of physical, mental and social well being of employees
Provision and maintenance of first aid facilities both at base and project sites.
Provision of potable drinking water and a constant drive to ensure that proper quality standards are adhered to.
Following good feeding habit and the avoidance of harmful drugs and alcohol within company’s or client controlled areas.
Sufficient rest period shall be ensured for personnel on site, i.e. work cycle that is compatible with CLIENT approved policy will be observed.
Protection of the immediate work environment is as important as the operation.
Environmental impact of the activities shall reduce to ALARP through sound environmental management system. All employees shall be educated in the protection of environment.
No discharge of water products especially oil will be allowed into the surrounding areas. Collection and disposal of crude oil will be as directed by the client.
Waste oils from equipment shall be collected in drums and sent back to Base for disposal. All site waste materials are to be disposed of in areas allocated for that purpose recycling, reuse or sanitary Landfill.
Advance planning for the controlled generation and handling of waste products. Such products will be segregated and appropriate action taken, where it is inevitable to use chemicals the selection shall be such that toxic and dangerous chemicals are substituted where possible with known mild or relatively safe substitute.
Host community means the community in our area of operation. WATER ANGEL MARINE shall always maintain cordial relationship with the host community. It is the policy of the company to source unskilled labour from the host community thereby contributing towards alleviating unemployment problems.
Communication gaps have been identified as a major factor in company host community friction. The site supervisor shall always liaise with the traditional ruler or any persons nominated by him so that matters could be resolved early before getting to crisis point.
Demands and request from the host community will receive equal attention as any crucial site activity. WATER ANGEL MARINE will always treat host community as a friend.
Both the skilled and unskilled labour will be considered where such vacancies exist during employment in the host communities;
The culture and traditions of the host communities will be respected by our company and good relationship will be maintained with the host community so as to avoid community crisis;
All visitors, authorized personnel or representatives of SPDC are expected to sign in and out in the corresponding register provided.
Visitors to site shall be briefed on behavior on site. They should also be clothed with appropriate PPE and shall be escorted by the safety officer. In the absence of appropriate PPE, there will be no admittance.
Movement of materials in and out of site shall be by material received, material issued vouchers.
Water angel marine Nigeria conducts its business with high level of sensitivity to drugs padding and its abuse.
The abuse of drugs and alcohol impair performance at work and can be a serious threat to safety, environment, health and productivity. The company management wishes to ensure that all employees recognizes this threat and aims at countering its effect by minimizing the risks involved. In order to achieve this, the following policy shall apply:
Employees who are dependent upon alcohol; or drugs are encouraged to seek medical advice and to follow appropriate treatment promptly. High level of dependence leads to termination on the party involved.
It is strictly prohibited for any employee to be at work whilst impaired by, or not fit for work as a result of drugs for alcohol consumption.
The illicit use, possession, distribution, or sales of illegal drugs on company business or work location is strictly prohibited.
In pursing this policy, the company will continue to respect the rights of individuals and will minimize intrusion into their private lives. It must be realized that the company as a good employer has established In-house rules to keep law and order within the enterprise for the safety of persons, properties and environment.
Water Angel Marine Nigeria Limited will conduct regular random alcohol and pre-employment medical test on new and old staff.
Water Angel marine Nigeria limited believes that smoking is injurious to health and can cause intoxication. Therefore smoking of any sort, inhalation or chewing of tobacco is prohibited on our sites.
Any employee of Water Angel marine Nigeria limited found smoking cigarette or consuming on site would be summarily dismissed.
Smoking should be done a smoking designated area.
As part of our security measure, our company ensures that all facilities where staff work and reside have sound security plan in place;
Improve the security awareness of both our employees and the third parties associated with our operations;
We uphold security information dissemination to all our employees both in the office and logistic base stations;
The security of the company’s property and employees will be given maximum attention
All our employees will be provided with company identity cards and the staff will be regularly briefed on current security risks and
All journeys during the duty hours must be authorized by the management of WATER ANGEL MARINE NIGERIA LIMITED
Encourage strict record keeping of all diesel/lube oil etc received/consumed and compare these with industrial/company established average standards;
Ensure protection of crew/passengers and vessels at all times by putting armed security personnel (Soldiers/MOPOL) on board in areas of unrest or by taking any other necessary action/measure required to safeguard them.
After all reasonable measures as contained in this site safety management plan have been taken, and all efforts put in to prevent an unwarranted event accidents may still happen. Water angel marine Nigeria limited has put in place this policy directed towards identifying specific emergency situations so as to save life, minimize pain and suffering, reducing damage to property and restoring normal operation.
A condensed / summarized version of the emergency procedure applicable to a given operation will be made available to everyone in that operation in the form of a laminated card, which will be worn at all times
Posters of emergency procedures will also be pasted at conspicuous area of the worksite for easy reference.
Emergency drill will be carried out immediately after completion of mobilization to test the reaction of personnel in the event of an emergency. The site safety officer or the site manager shall co-ordinate the exercise
The response to an emergency within work environment will be directed towards saving life, care for the injured, and protection of the environment, limitation of damage to assets and defense of our client’s corporate image. We provide the appropriate organization, facilities, procedures and training so that immediate coordinated action can be taken to manage any emergency situation.
Maintenance of emergency equipment shall receive high priority. Close liaison will be maintained with appropriate Government and individual organizations and Communities. Regular exercise will be carried out to inform effectiveness and any necessity.
Accident/Incidents can be classified into:
1. Fatalities (deaths)
2. Lost time injuries
3. Potential accident sources (Hazards) and
4. Near misses
Any of the above cases are reported to the Site Supervisor / HSE officer who will file the necessary report form to management. All accident involving one or two above will be always investigated. The investigating team comprises of W.A.M safety team and the operations supervisor. They will report their findings to the Manager / Managing Director.
In case of injuries the First Aider or doctor must be quickly be alerted. All report of incidents/accident investigated are reviewed in our in-house HSE meeting and learning points disseminated to our Supervisors and all concerned, who in turn review learning point in morning pep talk to our workers before start of daily jobs.